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Zoom Client Event

Relief Bill 2.0 Event

Click here to watch our latest event and read about Relief 2.0 which covers was the latest bill signed 12/27/20. 

2020 Year End Planning Event

From PPP forgiveness, tax consequences and planning (you must be prepared to pay tax on this in 2020), to estate planning and personal tax hygiene, 在2020年即将结束之际,所有纳税人都要考虑一些事情.   2020年12月2日,我们举办了免费的虚拟活动,以探索所有这些主题等等. 

You can watch the whole event here or select portions below:

·2020年底前的实体计划-与我们一起探索年底计划技术-今年将扩大为不可抵扣的购买力平价减免费用-从加速折旧, retirement planning, 应计现金转换和各种其他机会,要么推迟或加速收入取决于您各自的所得税等级和财务结果.

·遗产规划+下一步-在11月的选举结果之后,遗产规划是许多人最关心的问题. 和我们一起来了解一下当前的遗产税和赠与税结构, and the potential changes on the horizon, 为了评估现在是时候修改或实施你的遗产计划.

如果你错过了我们之前关于遗产规划基础知识的“炉边聊天”, please scroll below to watch that video.

·个人税务健康金字塔-本课程将探讨年终税务规划的一些基本策略,这些策略可以帮助你达到或超过你的长期财务目标. Whether you have been impacted by 2020 or not, for the good or bad, 在我们的金字塔中会有一些战术适合你的需要……现在比以往任何时候都多.

Virtual Event: Estate Planning Fireside Chat

过去几年对拥有少量应税遗产的高净值个人来说是一个有吸引力的季节,  历史上较低的免税额与2012年《手机赌博软件下载排行》(American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012)规定的免税额(500万美元)之间,是遗产价值的黄金时期, 根据2017年《手机赌博软件》,免税额度翻了一番(1000万美元), as adjusted, “TCJA”).  This is an election year, 当然,我们在手机赌博软件下载排行会计师事务所的咨询部也没有藏着一个水晶球.  Still, 考虑到候选人提出的税收计划,无疑应该考虑到风险.  Trump would generally extend the environment we are in now, working to make many of the temporary provisions that expire in 2025, permanent.  拜登承诺将扭转TCJA,并在几乎所有方面大幅提高高净值个人的税收制度.  Biden would raise the corporate tax rate from 21 to 28 percent, set minimum corporate taxes for domestic and foreign income, restore the top individual tax rate from 37 to 39.6 percent, 将资本收益作为普通收入纳税,高收入个人在死亡时纳税, bring back the Pease phaseouts, create a donut approach to Social Security by taxing wages above $400,000, 向低收入纳税人提供税收抵免,向高收入纳税人提供总体税收增加.  It is highly progressive to high net worth individuals.  In general, 一个无党派智库预测,拜登的计划将增加收入最高的1%人群(即年收入超过421美元的人群)的税收,926 in a year) by somewhere between 13 to 18 percent in general, while having no real effect on all other taxpayer groups.  这将彻底改变我们在房地产规划中融入了几十年的基本概念.  This potential of increased taxes and lowered exemptions, coupled with incredibly low AFRs, would merit a review of your estate and gift tax plans now.  如果立法和行政部门在选举期间一致支持这一进步计划,遗产规划律师可能会在年底发现自己被淹没.  Regardless of the election results, 单是AFR的环境就会建议你重新审视你的计划,并利用这个黄金时代进行遗产规划.


Virtual Events: Perspectives on Finding Relief

这份长达880页的《手机赌博软件下载排行》包含了从企业和个人救济到失业的各种条款. We have put together a comprehensive summary here, which starts with the PPP provisions and ends with unemployment. We also hope you received and have studied the Families First Coronavirus Response summary here we sent a little less than two weeks ago.

Over the last three months, 我们准备了一个救济咨询工具包,并举办了几次虚拟客户活动. Ask your CPA for a copy of the Toolkit or request one by emailing The Relief Perspectives events are not presentations of details, but rather are designed to provide Perspective, Blueprints, 并简要介绍Toolkit内容,以帮助您在未来的水域中导航.

 我们对PPP贷款减免和其他救济条款的总结意见, please watch this event from June 25th.

有关如何最大化您的PPP贷款减免申请的观点,并审查澄清的PPP策略, please watch this event from May 27.  

关于购买力平价利用的观点,以及在流动性/宽免范围内找到您的独特位置, please watch this event from May 1.

For perspectives on the CARES Act, FFCRA, and managing through crisis overall, please watch the events below


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